Submission to New Zealand Government on Budget Policy Statement 2020 | Maori Ministry

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Submission to New Zealand Government on Budget Policy Statement 2020

The Salvation Army again generally welcomes the wellbeing focus of this Government in the 2019 Wellbeing Budget.
kids sitting against a concrete pillar
Posted January 24, 2020

Executive Summary:

  1. The Salvation Army again generally welcomes the wellbeing focus of this Government in the 2019 Wellbeing Budget. The Budget Policy Statement 2020 (BPS 2020) is essentially a continuation of this wellbeing approach and the five key priorities identified in the 2019 Budget. We also understand the clear intention from the Government for major capital investment of $12 billion into capital, especially in our national infrastructure and economy.
  2. However, our contention is that greater investment is urgently needed in our welfare system, particularly following recommendations from the Whakamana Tāngata – Restoring Dignity to Social Security in New Zealand report from the Welfare Expert Advisory Group (WEAG). With the BPS 2020 document clearly indicating and repeating that our nation is in a good financial position, we contend that this is the best time for significant investment into our welfare system. This would be a strong step towards greater wellbeing for many in our country. This view forms the majority of our submission.

Photo by Jerry Wang on Unsplash

Budget Policy Statement 2020 - The Salvation Army Submission

Type: PDF
Size: 140.61 KB
Date: 10 Mar 2020